Monday, 15 August 2011


FRIENDS of mine are all curious why I started the blog . They thought I am asking Tun M to help make regime change the way he brought down Pak Lah. My friends all knew that I like Najib alot. Actually, what I would love Tun M to do is to talk to Najib to stop relying on OO's advise.Unlike Pak Lah who refused to stop listening to KJ, I believe Tun M could convince Najib on why OO is a liability. Najib pressed for OO to be appointed as key person in Petronas and look at what he has done? There are changes at the top management that make many Petronas boys unhappy. The MAS/AA deal, the One Malaysia slogan, over relying on Mc Kinsey and latest I heard OO is shopping for London based consultant to offer political consultancy services. These are talk of the town. They may be true but they may be mere speculations. But, most important of all, bloggers and journalists that I talked to have negative perception against OO. Najib is not the type to abandon his advisers. He is a very nice person and would always be gentle and tolerant. But , we need a firm hand to deal with this OO issue. Tun M would be in a position to advise Najib on that. If not for Tun M, I dont think Najib would have decided to make himself available to contest against Pak Lah for the UMNO's Presidency if Pak Lah had decided not to withdraw from the post. I know OO is too small an issue for Tun M to handle. But having Najib as lovable PM is a big issue .To be loved by the rakyat, Najib has to be seen to be responsive to views of  opinion makers and influencers in our society.  Now, Tun M, the ball is in your court to decide on whether you should help save Najib from negative influence around him especially OO.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Tun M Please save Malaysia

After reading  Bigdog posting on MAS and possible acquisition of MAB . Also, Rocky's Bru hint on Mother of all Telco's acquisition, I cant help feeling doubtful if I should vote for BN again for GE13, having voted for them all these years . I cant understand why Najib has to rely on Omar Mustapha and CIMB for advise. Omar in Petronas, Omar in Air Asia and Omar, Omar, Omar's name keep popping up just like Khairy's name that kept popping up during Pak Lah's days.

So, I wish to appeal to Tun M, please Tun , would you please help save Malaysia from all this rot. Please stop all GLCs from being robbed by cronies. If the government really needs money, please list all GLCs , issue shares to the rakyat and let all rakyat own the GLCs. Look at what Singapore did when they issued shares of  Singtel to all Singaporeans. Incidentally, they won big in the election held sometime after the excercise.

We relied on individuals during Tun's tenure as PM - Halim Saad, Tan Sri Wan Azmi, Tajuddin Ramli - and what happened to all those business empire that were entrusted to them?

We never learn our lesson? Now we rely on new sets of individuals - Syed Mokhtar, Syed Faisal , Omar Ong, Tony Fernandez, Tan Kay Hock etc. What would be their priority ? Their pockets or  National service?

So Tun M, you know what's best for the country. We love BN if BN can change but rakyat may change BN if BN prove to be the government that cant change- for the better. Tun, Please save Malaysia.